In case you aren't familiar with the book, here's a listing of the 7 Habitudes covered:
The last two are on the blog today - passion and adaptability.
I've seen a lot of posts about Genius Hour and I think it's a great way to have students share their unique passion with classmates. Everyone brings something unique to the table and it's important to embrace that in the classroom.
The B.C. government is developing new curriculum documents. With that, they are also bringing out what they are calling the "Core Competencies". One of those competencies is called the "Personal and Social Competency".
Personal and Social—Personal and social competency is the set of abilities that relate to students' identity in the world, both as individuals and as members of their community and society. Personal and social competency encompasses the abilities students need to thrive as individuals, to understand and care about themselves and others, and to find and achieve their purposes in the world.
The passion Habitude ties quite nicely into this, don't you think?
Something I've heard about others doing is called "Identity Day". In this, students would create a board (like a science fair board) about a particular passion they want to share with classmates. Family is invited in, and students present the one aspect of their identity.
I agree with this wholeheartedly! Everything that happens in my classroom needs to be intentional and with purpose. It all needs to build skill sets and be connected to real world opportunities. I'm reminded of "Teach Like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess. The "P" in pirate stands for passion. Dave argues that every lesson should be presented with passion. And, as the teacher, if you can't find passion in the topic material, you can (and should) be passionate in the delivery. You bet!
The final Habitude is adaptability. I think this is one we don't talk about often enough.
Angela has her class create "Portraits of an Adaptive Learner". One of the elements she recognized is the ability to recognize that change will happen whether you accept it or not. This one caught my eye! I know I personally have seen resistance to change (staff meetings, anyone?), but the fact is, it's going to happen. We need to teach our kids ways to adapt and change when problems arise.
One tool I use in my classroom is the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. program.
The title is misleading as it is not a program for positive relationships. It is an anxiety prevention program. Students are provided with coping step tools and strategies. I LOVE this program and have used it for years.
That's all for me. I hope you've enjoyed reading my thoughts week after week. I hope you'll go pick up your own copy. Let me know which Habitudes you teach in your classroom.
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