My favourite time of year once again, Science Fair time! If you just moaned and groaned, I suggest you go read this post, and then this one, and hopefully you come back with a more positive attitude toward the fair.
No negative opinions can get me down about this topic though, I am truly passionate about it! I know that it can be overwhelming for some, so today I'm sharing with you some tips and tricks for easy management:
Start with a Demo
We started talking about science fair the very first day back after Christmas break. For many, grade four is the first year to complete a project and it can be really overwhelming just to hear the task described. I like to take a bit of the anxiety away with a fun demo.
Here, we are using the good old baking soda and vinegar demo with a twist.... as the two combine it creates carbon dioxide which fills the balloon. Totally unexpected and they really love it! We did this at every table group, all at once. So fun to hear them all oohing and ahhing at it.
Run Student Experiments as Rotations
This leads into a week of selecting an appropriate topic that is truly an experiment, not a demo. Most of my class has nailed that concept, so I am really excited.We've been working our way through some research, our questions, hypothesis, permission slips (if using human participants), and materials. For five of my students, they were able to do their testing on Friday. We did a stations day where my class rotated from group to group sampling foods (does sight affect taste?, does scent affect taste?, does colour affect taste?), blowing up balloons (lung capacity and height), viewing optical illusions (do you have a blind spot?)
Create a Reference Wall for the Scientific Method
And, as you know, I like to spread my passion about the school. So this weekend, Crystal and I created this awesome bulletin board!
We used my old lab coat from university, some rubber gloves, goggles, paper and cotton batting to create our mad scientist. The white is oil pastel on black bulletin board paper.
The posters you see here are my Scientific Process poster set. I teach my class the scientific method with these projected in the classroom, and now the printed versions can serve as a visual reminder in the hallway.
If you like it, and want your own set, click here to get yourself a copy.
Or, check out my Complete Resource Package. You'll get the poster set above and so much more! This 60+ resource has EVERYTHING you need to successfully teach and host a science fair.
I really do love talking about this topic, so if you're wondering about something for your classroom or school fair, please ask away either in the comments or via email!
Check out my Pinterest board for more Science Fair inspiration!
Looking to build your Science resources? Need a low-prep blackline for lab reports? Want a thorough way to assess student knowledge and skills?
Get your copy of my two-page lab report and assessment rubric today. These resources will help to make your Science lessons a breeze from start to finish!
Are you interested in even more bulletin board ideas? Do you want to save time by finding them all in one place? Follow the image or button below to grab your copy of my free bulletin board inspiration guide.