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How To Set Up Your Classroom Library

As a beginning teacher, setting up a classroom library can be a bit of an overwhelming thought.  What books do you buy? Where do you buy them from? And then, how do you organize them? 

The key to setting up a classroom library is to set it up with your students in mind.  The way that kids access and search for books is not necessarily the same way that adults book shop.  I'll show you how I set up my classroom library so that it is organized and enticing to students.

Organize Your Classroom Using Bins and Containers

The key to a smooth-running classroom is organization. When everything has a home you maximize your time because you know exactly where your materials are.  Students can feel ownership over the classroom and respect the space when they know where to put things.  I'm sharing 5 different ways you can use bins and containers to organize your classroom.

If you're not naturally organized, or just looking for some new ideas for how to put your classroom in order, this blog post is for you!