Yesterday I was looking at how full this board was and it made me happy. I wanted to share the idea behind this board. First off, this is not my idea. I've borrowed it from a great friend and past teaching partner, Nancy Maxfield.
There are 4 types of notes on this board:
1) Bucket Fillers - These read : "You filled my bucket when you....". In September, I read "Have you Filled a Bucket Today?" and we do a lesson to introduce the concept.
2) Thank you - There's a few examples of these below. These seem to be most commonly used this year.
3) I noticed - These start out with "I noticed" and end with "thank you for following the class agreement and making our class a great place to be!"
4) Appreciation notes: these are from "Send a Letter to a Friend" day we had this year. They read: "I appreciate you because...."
The notes are pre-cut and sit in the blue baskets below the board. The students are able to grab a note whenever they choose (though we do talk about appropriate times!). Sometimes, I will start the day with "Write a positive note to someone" written on the board, or I will write everyone's name on one and hand them out at random. Receivers of notes can choose to keep them private in an envelope in their desk, or post them on the board.
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