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Snowmen at Night

My dear friend and teaching buddy Lauren (Mrs. Gadicke) had an awesome suggestion for buddies last week!  She has a book called "Snowmen at Night" by Carolyn Buehner which she was using to inspire some writing for her 1/2s.  This story has gorgeous illustrations, and it's a pop-up book! Very cool.

So, on Friday afternoon our little buddies came down and read us their writing.  They had to write about three things they think snowmen did at night.  Together, those chose one of the 3 activities that they'd like to illustrate. 

Mr. Bourcet, our principal, came down and helped guide the students through some art techniques.  He does drawing as a prep class with my students, so he was able to keep the lingo consistent.  He talked about making the snowballs spheres, shading, and making sure the elements touched each other (no floating hats!). 

We then set them loose with chalk pastels and either purple or blue construction paper.  No pre-drawing with pencil allowed.  The big and little buddy each did their own drawing, but were side by side so they could consult/assist one another.  Myself, Mrs. Gadicke and Mr. Bourcet were able to travel about and give some one-on-one tips. 

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